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ACCESS TO WORK Click on the highlights in blue to take you to the appropriate website
Access to Work funding can help pay for practical support in your job if you have a disability, health or mental health condition so you can:
start working
stay in work
start your own business
How much you get depends on your circumstances.
The money doesn’t have to be paid back and will not affect your other benefits.
Access to Work is only available in England, Scotland and Wales.
What can Access to work help with
There is no set amount for an Access to Work grant. How much you get depends on your circumstances. The money can pay for things like:
adaptations to the equipment you use
special equipment
fares to work if you can’t use public transport
a support worker or job coach to help you in your workplace
a support service if you have a mental health condition and you’re absent from work or finding it difficult to work
disability awareness training for your colleagues
a communicator at a job interview
the cost of moving your equipment if you change location or job
Starting a new business
You can use the award to help start your own business in addition to support from the New Enterprise Allowance.
Access to Work grants are only available if the employer is based in England, Scotland or Wales.
You must be 16 or over and either
about to start a job or work trial
in a paid job or self-employed (you can’t get a grant for voluntary work)
on a work placements or unpaid internships
You might also qualify if you’re getting New Enterprise Allowance or starting work experience under a Youth Contract.
Your disability / health condition
Your disability or health condition must affect your ability to do a job or mean that you have to pay work-related costs. For example, special computer equipment or travel costs because you can’t use public transport.
Your mental health condition must affect your ability to do a job. It must also mean that you need support to:
start a new job
reduce absence from work
stay in work
You might not qualify if you get any of the following benefits
Incapacity Benefit
Employment and Support Allowance
Severe Disablement Allowance
Income Support
National Insurance Credits
Changing jobs
You can transfer your grant to another employer if you change jobs.
How to claim
Follow these steps if you think you can get help from Access to Work.
Contact your Access to Work centre.
Print the Access to Work eligibility letter and take it to your employer or to a job interview.
When an adviser contacts you and your employer, tell them about the help and support you need.
Find your Access to Work centre
Contact the centre that covers the area where you live.
You may need:
your National Insurance number
your workplace address, including your postcode
the name, email address and work phone number of a workplace contact (eg your manager)
your unique tax reference number (if you’re self employed)
the name of your New Enterprise Allowance mentor (if you have one)
Contact details:
Access to Work
Telephone: 0345 268 8489
Textphone: 0345 608 8753
Access to Work Application: https://www.gov.uk/access-to-work/apply